
Southland Sustainability Centre – EcoDen

The Southland Sustainability Learning Centre – EcoDen is a facility that promotes, motivates and encourages all sectors of the community to be environmentally sustainable, emphasising resource stewardship, energy efficiency and waste minimisation.

The Proposal
It is proposed to build a Southland Sustainability Learning Centre – EcoDen.
The Southland Sustainability Learning Centre – EcoDen is a facility that promotes, motivates and encourages all sectors of the community to be environmentally sustainable, emphasising resource stewardship, energy efficiency and waste minimisation.

  • Demonstrate sustainable design and building practices
  • Demonstrate sustainable living practices in its activities, but also within its features such as displays and demonstration areas.
  • Demonstrate waste reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery of resources
  • An educational facility that caters for all ages from preschool to adults i.e.  Field trip location, sustainable living classes, training facility for teachers and staff, natural building workshops etc.

The suggested location for the EcoDen is on vacant land at the Invercargill Waste Transfer Station, owned by the Invercargill City Council.    It is proposed that the facility be owned by an established charitable trust to aid in securing public funding and operated by WasteNet Southland.
In 2008 a series of Sustainable Living workshops took place, set up by Invercargill City Council, Environment Southland and Southland Education.  Topics included No Weeds in the Vege Patch, Solar Energy, Recycling and Alternative Fuels.
The popularity of theses indicated that the timing was right to run further workshops.  A barrier to running these courses were the limited practical examples located in the one facility or venue.   To overcome this barrier, an idea evolved to develop a demonstration garden with an eco-classroom to cater for all weather conditions – hence EcoDen.
The idea has further been developed into one facility that caters for all sectors of the community from preschool to adult education.
There is also a need to raise public awareness of sustainable building, and to stimulate the professionals and trades involved in the building industry to make continuous improvements in this area. Particularly as Southland prepares for continued economic growth and population growth, new buildings are expected to be built, and as a region we need these to be sustainable, and as energy efficient as possible.
The EcoDen project leads itself as an opportunity for highlighting champions (developers, designers, retailers, builders and other trades).  The EcoDen could include  a commercial display space for different products, which could generate income for the facility to cover operational costs, as well as showcasing the products and design aspects used in the building itself.

Project Team
The following key project team roles have been identified:

Role Name / Organisation
Team coordinator Donna Peterson, Invercargill City Council and WasteNet Southland
Designers Craig Haywood, Design Base
Phil Orr, ArchDraught
Project Manager (for the build) Mike Grumball SIT
Communication To be confirmed
Funding coordinator To be confirmed

The following outlines some of the potential partners in this project and indicates their potential involvement.

Potential Partners Involvement (in bold if confirmed)
Invercargill City Council Landowner
Education programmes
Arrange lease for building owner
Wastenet Southland Lodge SHAC Entry
MOU for partners
Potential funding?
Education programmes
Venture Southland Assistance with preparing funding applications
Assist with seeking VS Charitable Trust approval for ownership
Communications – promoting sustainable practices within building industry
Southern Institute of Technology – Mike Grumball
Renewable energy design
Assistance with communications (film students, journalism students)
SHAC Challenge – Tim Bishop Guidance and technical support from SHAC sponsors
Community Trust Of Southland Potential funder (EOI September)
ILT Foundation Potential funder
Lotteries Environment Potential funder
HEHA Potential funder (gardens)
South Coast Environment Centre Assistance with garden design?
Environment Southland Education programmes
Southland Education Education programmes
Southland Natural Building Co-ordinator Potential education programmes
Photography Society Document process
SIT Film students Document process
Southland Museum Display documentation of process
Design Base – Craig Haywood
03 218 2429
ArchDraught – Phill Orr
Caulder Stewart – Mike Toa Supply of photovoltaic roofing?
Stonewood Homes – Brent Mettrick
Resene ?
Placemakers – Derelle ?
Cunningham Builders – Kevin ?
Transition Towns ?
Thermocell Supply of solar water heating?
Other commercial partners TBC

Draft Timeline

Date Milestone
2 August 2010 Submit SHAC entry for EcoDen
27 August 2010 Confirm Project Team Members, clarify vision and goals (using the Integrated Design Process).
1 September 2010 Deadline for EOI for Funding (Community Trust of Southland)
27 September 2010 Proposed design(s) completed and budget confirmed
1 October 2010 Regional Workshop
28 October 2010 Design finalised, vision/goals and budget revised as necessary
31 October Grant Application for CTOS
20 November 2010 Develop detailed plans
28 November 2010 Project Development and Documentation submitted to SHAC
February 2011 Presentation to CTOS
March 2011 Funding confirmed
March 2011 Apply for resource/building consents as appropriate
April 2011 Construction begins
September 2011 Construction complete
October 2011 National Conference

A variety of funders will be approached to support the project (see Partners).  It is proposed to seek funding for project as soon as the vision and goals have been clarified.

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